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Find your scholarship

Access to vocational, technical and postgraduate education through partial scholarships in partnership with quality schools.

Study area

Institute / university

Type of scholarship

Do you work in a
partner company?

Find out more about the additional benefits
for employees of our partner network.


Find your scholarship

Access to vocational, technical and
postgraduate education through partial
scholarships in partnership with quality schools.

Study area

Institute / university

Type of scholarship

Do you work in a
partner company?

Find out more about the additional
for employees of our
partner network.

Study area
Study area
Type of call for applications
Type of call for applications
Type of scholarship
Type of scholarship

Start to climb towards your dreams

Start to climb
your dreams

Do you need help? Our team is ready to answer your questions or queries.

Do you need help? Our team is ready to answer your questions or queries.

Formulario para la pagina becas - ingles


Fundada el 01 de marzo por profesionales y empresarios peruanos que buscaban brindar oportunidades de estudio y especialización.


Fundada el 01 de marzo
por profesionales y
empresarios peruanos
que buscaban brindar
oportunidades de estudio
y especialización.


Iniciamos un programa junto al Consejo Británico para que estudiantes peruanos puedan obtener el grado de maestría en universidades del Reino Unido


Iniciamos un programa
junto al Consejo Británico
para que estudiantes
peruanos puedan obtener
el grado de maestría en
universidades del Reino


Firmamos un convenio con la Organización Internacional de las Migraciones (ONU Migraciones) para facilitar descuentos a estudiantes o profesionales que buscan fortalecer sus estudios en el extranjero. 


Firmamos un convenio con la
Organización Internacional de
las Migraciones (ONU
Migraciones) para facilitar
descuentos a estudiantes o
profesionales que buscan
fortalecer sus estudios en el


Formamos parte del Comité de Veeduría de Beca 18 e iniciamos la gestión del programa Patronato BCP. 


Formamos parte del
Comité de Veeduría de
Beca 18 e iniciamos la
gestión del programa
Patronato BCP. 


Nuestra plataforma SABE® fue reconocida como una buena práctica de asignación de beneficios  por la Asociación Panamericana de Instituciones de Crédito Educativo - APICE


Formamos parte del
Comité de Veeduría de
Beca 18 e iniciamos la
gestión del programa
Patronato BCP. 


Cumplimos más de 60 años y seguimos firmes en la generación de oportunidades educativas para más peruanos


Cumplimos más de 60
años y seguimos firmes
en la generación de
oportunidades educativas
para más peruanos


Founded on March 1st by Peruvian professionals
and business people who wanted to create opportunities for study and specialization.


Founded on March 1st by Peruvian professionals and business people who wanted to create opportunities for study and specialization.


Together with the British Council, we have launched a program that enables Peruvian students to obtain a Master's degree at universities in the UK.


Together with the British Council, we have launched a program that enables Peruvian students to obtain a Master's degree at universities in the UK.


We signed an agreement with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to grant discounts to students or professionals who wish to deepen their studies abroad.


We signed an agreement with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to grant discounts to students or professionals who wish to deepen their studies abroad.


We were part of the Beca 18 Oversight Committee and started to manage the Patronato BCP program.


We were part of the Beca 18 Oversight Committee and started to manage the Patronato BCP program.


We are more than 60 years old and we are still determined to open up educational opportunities for more Peruvians.


We are more than 60 years old and we are still determined to open up educational opportunities for more Peruvians.